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RasMol Notice
RasMol v2.7. Notice
RasMol version 2.7.1 is based on RasMol version 2.6_CIF.2, on RasMol version 2.6x1 and
on RasMol version 2.6.4. Please read the complete NOTICE which
applies to this package. If you are not going to make changes to RasMol, you are not only
permitted to freely make copies and distribute them, you are encouraged to do so, provided
you do the following:
- 1. Either include the complete documentation, especially the file NOTICE, with what you distribute or provide a clear indication where people can
get a copy of the documentation; and
- 2. Please give credit where credit is due citing the version and original authors
properly; and
- 3. Please do not give anyone the impression that the original authors are providing a
warranty of any kind.
If you would like to use major pieces of RasMol in some other program, make
modifications to RasMol, or in some other way make what a lawyer would call a
"derived work", you are not only permitted to do so, you are encouraged to do
so. In addition to the things we discussed above, please do the following:
- 4. Please explain in your documentation how what you did differs from this version of
RasMol; and
- 5. Please make your modified source code available.
This version of RasMol is not in the public domain, but it is given freely to
the community in the hopes of advancing science. If you make changes, please make them in
a responsible manner, and please offer us the opportunity to include those changes in
future versions of RasMol.
RasMol v2.6. Notice
The following notice applies to RasMol V 2.6 and older RasMol versions.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent
a commitment on the part of the supplier. This package is sold/distributed subject to the
condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or
otherwise circulated without the supplier's prior consent, in any form of packaging or
cover other than that in which it was produced. No part of this manual or accompanying
software may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system on optical or magnetic disk, tape
or any other medium, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal
This product is not to be used in the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or
use of any nuclear facility nor the flight, navigation or communication of aircraft or
ground support equipment. The author shall not be liable, in whole or in part, for any
claims or damages arising from such use, including death, bankruptcy or outbreak of war.