Научни публикации:
Тенева С., Г. Гечева, И. Велчева.2007. Ex-situ проучване на алелопатия тип „Колини“- Oсма научно-практическа конференция за проблемите на земеделието, Аграрен университет – Пловдив, 2007, Научни трудове АУ-Пловдив, том LII: 53–58.
Yurukova L., S. Petrova, N. Shopova. 2010. Inorganic characteristics of polyfloral honey in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) – Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24 (2): 284-288.[Full text - PDF]
Petrova S. 2011. Biomonitoring study of air pollution with Betula pendula Roth., Plovdiv (Bulgaria) – Ecologia Balkanica, 3(1): 1-10.[Full text - PDF]
Petrova S., L. Yurukova. 2011. Preliminary results of chlorophyll content as a biomarker of tree tolerance to urban environment (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) – IV International Conference of Young Scientist 2011, Scientific Researches of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Series B. Natural Sciences and the Humanities, vol. XIII: 128-132.[Full text - PDF]
Петрова С., Б. Николов, В. Янчева, И. Велчева. 2011. Биотестиране на замърсени води от водосбора на река Тополница. Юбилеен сборник „Биологически науки за по-добро бъдеще“, ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“: 221-232.[Full text - PDF]
Янчева В., С. Петрова, И. Велчева, Е. Георгиева. 2011. Екологично състояние на река Тополница и язовир Тополница. Юбилеен сборник „Биологически науки за по-добро бъдеще“, ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“: 267-280.[Full text - PDF]
Velcheva I., S. Petrova, I. Mollov, G. Gecheva, D. Georgiev. 2012. Herbicides influence the community structure of the soil mezofauna. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 18(5): 742-748.[Full text - PDF]
Velcheva I., S. Petrova, V. Dabeva, D. Georgiev. 2012. Eco-physiological study on the influence of contaminated waters from the Topolnitza River catchment area on some crops. Ecologia balkanica 4(2): 33-41.[Full text - PDF]
Petrova S., E. Mehmed, I. Mollov, D. Georgiev, I. Velcheva. 2012. Molluscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Bivalvia) from the Upper Eocene of Perunika village (East Rhodopes, Bulgaria) – Preliminary results. Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 4: 237-240.[Full text - PDF]
Petrova S., L. Yurukova, I. Velcheva. 2012. Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) as a biomonitor of air pollution in the town of Plovdiv (Bulgaria). Journal of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, 1(3): 241-247.[Full text - PDF]
Petrova S., L. Yurukova, I. Velcheva. 2013. Taraxacum officinale as a biiomonitor of metals and toxic elements (Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(2) 241-247.[Full text - PDF]
Mollov I., S. Petrova.2013. A contribution to the knowledge of the trophic
spectrum of three lacertid lizards from Bulgaria.Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology, 2(1) 57-62.[Full text - PDF]
Yocheva S., A. Irikov, S. Petrova, I. Mollov. 2013. Assessment of the Threats to the Biodiversity and Habitats in “Stara Reka” Reserve (Bulgaria) and Its Adjacent Subalpine and Alpine Areas - Ecologia Balkanica, 5(1).[Full text - PDF]
Yurukova L.,S. Petrova, I. Velcheva, I. Aleksieva. 2013. Preliminary data of moss-bags technique in an urban area (Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 66(8) 1135-1138[Full text - PDF]