Computer chemistry

 Our subjects
 General and Inorganic Chemistry                                                                                                                
 Analytical Chemistry 
 Organic Chemis
 Structure of the Substance
and Colloids Chemistry
 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
 Applied Inorganic Chemistry 
Organic Chemistry
 Ecology and Protection of Environment
 Polimer Chemistry
 Material Science

 Computers and Software
 Chemical Informatics
 Databases and Basis of Programming 
 Statistic and Metrology in Chemistry
 Algorithms and Object-Oriented Programming
 Quantum Chemistry Methods
 Computer Modelling in Chemistry
 Computer Design of Biologically Active Substances

                                                                                         As you know everything is chemistry and nowadays 
                                                                                 we use more and more chemistry, but we must not forget 
                                                                                 that it is very dangerous and we must use it reasonably
                                                                                 and not to harm our planet - The Earth,
                                                                                 as you know
                                                                                                    it is in
                                                                                                               our hands !!!