**************************************************************************** * * * INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO INSTALL STATISTICA IF THE SETUP PROGRAM FAILS * * * **************************************************************************** Automatic installation of STATISTICA (setup.exe) is highly recommended and you should use the manual installation ONLY if the automatic program fails. NOTE: STATISTICA requires Windows 3.1 or higher. There are two ways to perform manual installation: semi-manual and manual. I. Semi-manual 1. Copy the following files into a temporary directory on the hard drive. stat.inf mscomstf.dll msinsstf.dll msuilstf.dll msshlstf.dll mscuistf.dll msdetstf.dll stlib.dll stat.exe 2. From the Program Manager, choose Run from the File pull-down menu. Then type the command line: STAT.EXE ? A:\ Where ? is a one character code for the specific STATISTICA version you purchased: F - STATISTICA Q - Quick STATISTICA E - STATISTICA with Quality Control (QC) add on I - Quick STATISTICA with Quality Control (QC) add on It is important that you specify the correct letter corresponding to the version you have. There must be exactly one space between EXE and character code, and also between the character code and A. Also, the backslash is necessary. (If installing from drive B:, substitute B:\ for A:\). 3. This command will start the installation of STATISTICA. Once the installation is complete you can delete the above files from the temporary directory as well as the temporary directory. II. Manual Note: Manual installation of STATISTICA should be done from DOS and not from a DOS session under Windows. To install STATISTICA manually, please follow the instructions below: 1. On your hard drive, create a directory for STATISTICA (e.g. C:\STAT), and subdirectories for the example data files (e.g. C:\STAT\EXAMPLES), STATISTICA BASIC files (e.g. C:\STAT\\ST_BAS), and SEPATH files (e.g. C:\STAT\SEM_EX). 2. Copy the following files to your STATISTICA directory (e.g. C:\STAT) and decompress them in the following manner: a) STATISTICA libraries stl_*.dl_ *.dl_ files should be renamed to *.dll; e.g. expand stl_fin.dl_ stl_fin.dll b) STATISTICA modules sta_*.ex_ *.ex_ files should be renamed to *.exe; e.g. expand sta_bas.dl_ stl_bas.dll c) all include files *.in_ *.in_ files should be renamed to *.inc; e.g. expand GRAPHLIB.IN_ GRAPHLIB.INC d) help file: copy and expand stathelp.h1_, stathelp.h2_, stathelp.h3_, etc e.g. expand stathelp.H1_ stathelp.H1 After expanding all of the help files you will need to concatenate the files: copy /B stathelp.H1+stathelp.H2+stathelp.H3 stathelp.HLP Once you have expanded these files, you will need to delete all of the *.ex_, *.dl_, *.in_, and *.h?_ files in your C:\STAT directory. 3. Copy the STATISTICA examples files listed below from the installation diskettes that have these files (you will need to check each diskette individually) to the examples subdirectory that you created in the previous step (e.g. C:\STAT\EXAMPLES). CIRCUITS.ST_ 10ITEMS.ST_ TWOWAY.ST_ NESTED3.ST_ YOUDEN.ST_ TWO_MISS.ST_ SPLITPLT.ST_ IRRIGAT.ST_ DEPRESSE.ST_ COMFORT.ST_ In the C:\STAT\EXAMPLES directory decompress all *.st_ files to *.sta files; (e.g. expand adstudy.st_ adstudy.sta) and then delete all *.st_ files. 4. Copy the STATISTICA BASIC examples files listed below from the installation diskettes that have these files (you will need to check each diskette individually) to the STATISTICA BASIC subdirectory that you created above (e.g. C:\STAT\ST_BAS). CASEPLOT.ST_ BOXCOX.ST_ BOXTID.ST_ SORT.ST_ FILCOMP.ST_ MANYGRPS.ST_ MANTHAEN.ST_ DOTPLOT.ST_ BOXCOXP.ST_ RESPLOTS.ST_ MANOVA.ST_ REGRESSN.ST_ WLS.ST_ 2STLS.ST_ FACTORAN.ST_ METAHIST.ST_ REPMEAS.ST_ SCLHELP.ST_ SCALES.ST_ HISTRES.ST_ HENON.ST_ LILLIEF.ST_ In the C:\STAT\ST_BAS directory decompress all *.st_ files to *.stb files; (e.g. expand boxcox.st_ boxcox.stb) and then delete all *.st_ files. 5. Copy the SEPATH (Strutural Equation Modeling) example files listed below from the installation diskettes that have these files (you will need to check each diskette individually) to the SEPATH subdirectory that you created above (e.g. C:\STAT\SEM_EX). DHPA3.CM_ DHPA.CM_ LAWLEY.CM_ LORDB.CM_ 2VAR.CM_ KEEVES3A.CM_ KEEVES1.CM_ JENNRICH.CM_ JACCARD.CM_ CIRCLE.CM_ CHILD.CM_ BOLL362B.CM_ BOLL362A.CM_ BOLL310.CM_ WINER.CM_ WHEATONB.CM_ WHEATONA.CM_ VAR2.CM_ TWOCORR.CM_ MONTE2GL.CM_ MONTE1.CM_ MEYER.CM_ LORDD.CM_ LORDC.CM_ LORDA.CM_ KEEVES3B.CM_ HH.CM_ In the C:\STAT\SEM_EX directory decompress all *.cm_ files to *.cmb files; (e.g. expand 2var.cm_ 2var.cmb) and then delete all *.cm_ files. In the C:\STAT\SEM_EX directory decompress all *.st_ files to *.sta files; (e.g. expand 2var.st_ 2var.sta) and then delete all *.st_ files. 6. If you don't have a copy of CTL3DV2.DLL in windows\system copy the file from the installation diskettes. 7. Run Windows. Create a Program Manager group called Statistica with the appropriate program items representing STATISTICA modules that you intend to use the most (e.g. sta_win.exe, sta_bas.exe, etc.). Click on a module icon to start the desired program. Alternatively, you can run sta_win.exe (or sta_bas.exe, etc.) from the Windows File Manager or Program Manager. Before you start using STATISTICA, please review the readme.txt file (you should find it in your STATISTICA directory) for more information and last-minute notes about the program. If you are not able to successfully install STATISTICA after following these instructions, please call our Technical Support Department at (918) 583-4149, Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm CT. Thank you for choosing STATISTICA for Windows.