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Name: KMETOV, Veselin Jordanov
Date of birth: 22 January 1963
Marital Status:
married, two children
Professional Address:
of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry (DAC)
24 Tsar Assen
St. , BG 4000 Plovdiv, BULGARIA
Tel: +395 32
261 337 GSM: +359 888735410
Fax:+395 32
635 049 E-mail:
WEB Site
22 "G. Rakovski"
St., 4101 Kuklen, Plovdiv, BULGARIA Tel. + 359 993115 3463
Academic positions at the University of Plovdiv:
Since 2002 Head of the research group atomic spectrochemistry in DAC
Since 1998 Chief Assistant Professor in Analytical Chemistry (Instrumental analysis) DAC
2000 – 2002 SOCRATES II ERASMUS Coordinator - Faculty of Chemistry
1997– 2000 Project Leader TEMPUS JEP –12451-97
1994 – 1998 Senior Assist. Prof. – Center of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (CACAS)
1991 – 1994 Scientific Researcher in Atomic spectroscopy - CACAS
1987– 1991 Research Chemist - CACAS
Ph.D. in Analytical
Chemistry, University of Plovdiv
diplom N29112
Discrete sample introduction of high dissolved solids solutions in FAAS
1983-87 UNIVERSITY OF PLOVDIV , Faculty of Chemistry and Biology - graduated with a gold medal from Ministry of Education Republic Bulgaria – Chemistry Teacher in Chemistry and Physic
MSc thesis
Masters degree
in Analytical Chemistry,
of Plovdiv, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology –Atomic absorption determination
of trace elements in Tin Reference materials. Application of different sampling
techniques. diplom
N A83
1977-80 High School "V. Aprilov" Gabrovo (honoured with a silver medal)
1981-83 Military service – Bulgarian Army
Research activities:
ü Analytical application of atomic spectrometry methods (AAS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS) in trace elements determination in environmental, clinical and industrial materials analysis
ü Sample preparation based on the use of microwave radiation
ü Analysis of heavy matrices by discrete sample introduction, FI, ETV.
ü Metrology in Chemistry, Data acquisition and treatment,
ü Methodology of teaching
Teaching activities at University of Plovdiv:
ü Lecturer in Instrumental Methods of Analysis part I – Atomic Spectrometry for Bachelor students in Chemistry;
ü Lecturer in Metrology and Statistics for Bachelor students in Chemistry and Computer Chemistry
ü Optional course – Computer Qualimetry for Bachelor students in Computer Chemistry
ü Lab practices with Bachelors and Masters students,
International experience:
1990 1. Perkin Elmer - training course - ICP-MS instrumentation and analysis (Dec. 1990)
1993 2.
Research project CEC COST ERB-CIPA-CT-92-0371; Stazione Sperimentale per i
Combustibili, Milanese, Italy, (May-July 1993)
1996 3. TEMPUS IMG - 95- BG 2010-University of Alicante Spain (April-June 1996)
OEAD - ZL 1838-39/1997
The Institute of Analytical Chemistry at VIENNNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY
New approaches in Speciation Analysis (January – April 998)
1998-2000 5. TEMPUS JEP –12451-97 – 1997- 2000 Project Leader
Short visits of teaching assignment in the frame of the TEMPUS JEP 2451
Joseph Fourier University Grenoble France (October- November 1998)
Saarland University Germany (June 1999)
University of Alicante Spain (January – February 2000)
6. Consultant
and provision of technical assistance
EUROPEAN COMMUNITY EXTERNAL AID, Central Finance and Contracts Unit -
CFCU concerning the evaluation of the Phare Supply Tender BG 0003.02.03
Metrological equipment for Chemical Laboratory (Lot 2) (Contract 07.10.2002)
2004 7. SOCRETES-ERASMUS program for academic exchange. A lecturer – intensive course
“European Union requirements for the competence of analytical laboratories”
2004 8. TrainMiC Training of Trainers event EUROPEAN COMMISSION Direcrorate-General
Joint Research Center Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) (May 2004)
2005 9. AcadeMiC Summer School on Education in Metrologi in Chemistry
Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia (June 2006)
2006 10. TrainMiC Gathering of the Clan (June 2006) Geel, Belgium
Operator work
with Perkin-Elmer AAS - Zeeman 5100 AS; “Spectroflame” ICP-OES
experience: and Plasma 1000 PE; Perkin-Elmer SCIEX ELAN 500 ICP-MS
LIMS organisation,
Proficient with MS Office, Some knowledge of web-design.
Membership: Union of Bulgarian Scientists
Society of Applied Spectroscopy
Union of Metrologists in Bulgaria
Languages: English - good
Russian - good
Spanish - fair
Hobby: Body fitness, gardening, windsurf