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Research activities:
November 2006
SP 1. G. Becjarov,
V. Kmetov, L. Futekov
Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem. 355, 971-974 (1989)
Trace analysis in highly concentrated salt solutions of sodium chloride and
ammonium fluoride using flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
SP 2. V. Kmetov, N.
Nikolov, J. Dentchev
Universite de Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Travaux scientifiques, vol. 26. fasc.5,
Analytical application of micro sampling system MS-II in flame atomic absorption determination of Iron in samples containing aluminium
SP 3. V. Kmetov, L.
Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem. 338: 895-897 (1990)
Flame atomic-absorption spectrometric determination of traces of copper, iron,
lead and manganese in nitric acid by injection dozation of concentrated
solutions neutralised with ammonia.
SP 4. V. Stefanova,
V. Kmetov, L. Futekov
Bulgarian Chemical Communications - 1, 25 (1993) Perkin Elmer Seminar May 1992
ICP-MS method for determination of toxic elements in tobacco smoke
SP 5. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, L. Futekov
Analytical Laboratory, II, 3, 151 (1993)
Discrete techniques for sample introduction in ICP-MS (REVIEW)
SP 6. P.Tittarelli,
C. Biffi, V. Kmetov,
J. Anal.
Atom. Spectrom. March, 9, 443 (1993)
Vaporisation of Silicon and Germanium as Molecular
Species in Electrothermal Atomisers
SP 7. Z. Simeonova,
G. Toneva, D. Dobreva, L. Bedrosian, V. Kmetov and L. Futekov
Analytical Laboratory - II, 4 (1993)
Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Whole Blood of Workers in a Non-ferrous
Metal Factory
SP 8. A.
Anselmi,P.Tittarelli, C. Biffi, V. Kmetov,
Rev. Combustibili, 48, 2, 53 (1994)
Comportamenti degli Elementi del Gruppo 14 in Spettrometria di Assortimento
Atomico con Atomizzazione Elettrotermica: Interferenze Dovute alla Formazione
di Vapori Molecolari.
SP 9. P.Tittarelli, A.
Anselmi,, C. Biffi, V. Kmetov,
Spectrochimica acta Part B, 50 (1995)
Formation of tin and lead molecular species in electrothermal atomisers
SP 10. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, L. Futekov, D. Gerganska
Analytical Laboratory - 6, 1, 31 (1997)
Flow Injection Multielemental analysis by upgraded ELAN 500 ICP-mass
Direct analysis of hard drinks
SP 11. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, L. Futekov,
J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 12, 1271 (1997)
Air Segmented Discrete Introduction in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
SP 12. E.
Rosenberg, R. Krishka, R. Wissiack, V. Kmetov, R. Josephs, E. Razzazi, M.
J. Chromatogr. A 819, 227 (1998)
High-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric-pressure chemical ionisation
mass spectrometry as a new tool for the determination of mycotoxin zearenone in
food and feed
SP 13. E. Rosenberg,
V. Kmetov and M. Grasserbauer
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 366, 4, 400
Investigating the potential of high performance-liquid chromatography with
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry as an alternative
method for the speciation analysis of organotin compounds
SP 14. Chr. Malakova, V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works -Chemistry vol. 29. Book
5, 27-33 (2000)
Multi-elemental analysis of plants samples by ICP-MS
SP 15. M.Mitrikov,
Hr.Hristov , A.Antonov, V.Kmetov, V.Stefanova
BgNS Transactions, 6,1, 35 (2001)
Depositions of heavy metals and radionuclides in the region of the plant for
non-ferrous metals (Plovdiv) studied by nuclear methods of analysis
SP 16. M.Mitrikov,
A.Antonov, Hr.Hristov, A.G.Belov, V.Kmetov, J.Edrev, P.S.Zaprianova, P.Nedeva,
BgNS Transactions, 6,1, 39 (2001)
Electricity generation of Matitza-Iztok coil-fired power plant in Bulgaria and
its complex impact on the Environment
SP 17. V. Kmetov,
D. Hristozov, V. Stefanova, St. Tenev, L. Futekov
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works-Chemistry vol. 30. Book
5, 57-62 (2001)
Computer automated system for micro-sampling in FAAS, software for signal
acquisition and treatment
SP 18. N. Bosev, V.
Kmetov, V. Stefanova,
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works-Chemistry vol. 30. Book
5, (2001)
Extraction FAAS determination of Cu and Bi in zinc electrolyte by means of
threeethtylammonium dibenziltetrathiophosphate
SP 19
. V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, D. Georgieva, L. Futekov,
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works-Chemistry vol. 30. Book
5, 45-50 (2001)
Multi element responses of FI-ICP-MS. Influence of ionisation efficiency and
mass discrimination effects
SP 20.
V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, D. Georgieva,
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works -Chemistry vol. 30. Book
5, 51-55 (2001)
ICP-MS application for trace element analysis in Bulgarian cosmetics
SP 21. Mitrikov,
V.Kmetov, V.Stefanova, Hr.Hristov, A.Antonov,
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works -Phisics vol. 30. Book
5, (2001)
Atmospheric depositions of heavy metals and radionuclides in the region of the
Plant for Non-Ferrous Metals -Plovdiv
SP 22. V.
Stefanova, Chr. Malakova, J. Uzunova, V. Kmetov
Union of Bulgarian Scientists Scientific works –Chemistry, 30, 5, 51 (2001)
Influence of solutions of low aliphatic alcohols on the element emission signals
SP 23. V. Kmetov,
A. Sanchez, A. Canals, D. Georgieva, V. Stefanova
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works-Chemistry, 31 book 5,
17-28 (2002)
Determination of lead and cadmium in wool and goat's hair from animal population
in the vicinity of Plant for non-ferrous metals (Plovdiv) by ETAAS and ICP-MS
SP 24. V. Kmetov,
V. Stefanova, D. Hristozov, D. Georgieva, A. Canals
Talanta, 59 123-136 (2003)
Determination of calcium, iron and manganese in moss by automated discrete
sampling flame atomic-absorption spectrometry as an alternative to the ICP-MS
SP 25. V. Stefanova
,V. Kmetov, A. Canals,
J. Anal.
Atom. Spectrom. 18, 1271 (2003)
Algorithm for application of internal standard on ICP-MS transient signals
SP 26. D. Hristozov,
C. Domini, V. Kmetov, V. Stefanova, D. Georgieva, A. Canals *
Analytica Chimica Acta, 516(1-2) 187-196 (2004),
Direct ultrasound-assisted extraction of heavy metals from sewage sludge samples for ICP-OES analysis
SP 27. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov and A. Canals
University of Plovdiv "P. Hilendarski" Scientific works-Chemistry, 34, 5, 51
A Method for calculation of dead time correction and mass discrimination factor
for isotope analysis of uranium by ICP-MS
SP 28. G. Bekyarov,
M. Kakalova, V. Kmetov ,V. Stefanova, D. Georgieva and K.Ivanov
University of food technologies Plovdiv - Scientific works, LIII, 15 ,307 (2006)
International conference “Food science, engineering and technologies” Plovdiv
27-27 October 2006
Determination of Pb, Cd, As, Cu and Zn in natural fruit juices
SP 29. K.
Simitchiev, V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov and A. Canals
Annual of University of Sofia, Faculty of Chemistry, 100 (2006)
Cloud Point Extraction of Rh, Pd and Pt complexes with 2-mercaptobenzothiazole
as preconcentration procedure for ICP-MS
SP 30. D. Georgieva,
V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, B. Almago, A. Sanchez, A. Canals
Scientific Researches of the Union of Scientists – Plovdiv, series B,
Technics and Technologies, Natural Sciences and Humanities, Session 26 October
B, 8, 105-109 (2007)
ISSN 1311-9192
Spectral interferences based on Ti in test solutions measured by ICP-MS
SP 31.
K. Simitchiev , V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, G. Andreev, N. Kovachev, A. Canals
J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2008)
23, DOI: 10.1039/b715133k
Microwave-Assisted Cloud Point Extraction of Rh, Pd and Pt with 2
Mercaptobenzothiazole as
Preconcentration Procedure Prior to ICP MS Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products
K. Simitchiev, V.Stefanova,
V. Kmetov, G. Andreev,
Alfredo Sanchez, Antonio Canal
Talanta 77 (2008) 889–896
Investigation of ICP-MS spectral interferences in the determination of Rh, Pd
and Pt in road dust:
Assessment of correction algorithms via uncertainty budget analysis and
interference alleviation by preliminary acid leaching
T1. E.Vasileva, D.
Ivanova, A. Decheva, H. Chanev, V. Kmetov (Bulgarian version)
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2003 –
102 pp.
Scientific and Technical Research series ISBN 92-894-6238-8
TrainMiC – Training in Metrology in Chemistry
T2. V. Kmetov, E. Vassileva
EUR Report 22791 EN
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
© European Communities, 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-06157-8
ISSN 1018-5593
Practical examples on Traceability, Measurement Uncertainty and Validation in
Volume 1 Edited by Nineta Majcen, Philip Taylor
Chapter 2
Analysis of Gold Alloys by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
CP 1. G. Becjarov,
V. Kmetov, L. Futekov
XXVI Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, July 2-9, 1989, Sofia, vol. 1,
Trace analysis in highly concentrated salt solutions of sodium chloride and
ammonium fluoride using FAAS
CP 2. V. Kmetov, L.
XXVI Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, July 2-9,1989, Sofia, vol. 1,
Trace analysis in citric acid by flame atomic absorption using dosage of
pre-heated 50% solutions.
CP 3. V. Stefanova,
V. Kmetov, E. Uzunova, L. Futekov
III VARIAN SIAS'92, 8-10 Sept.1992
New ICP-MS method for multi-element semiquantitative analysis. Tobacco products
P 4. V. Stefanova,
V. Kmetov, L. Futekov
XXVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, June 29- July 4, 1993, York,
Influence of Reference Isotopes for Ion Optics optimisation on ICP-MS
Semiquantitative Capabilities.
CP 5. V. Kmetov, P.
IV VARIAN SIAS'93 7-10 September, 1993 AE-P150;
ETV Sampling in ICP.
Vaporisation of Environmental Solid Samples.
CP 6. V. Kmetov, L.
IV SIAS'93 7-10 September , 1993 AA-P149;
Injection of Hot Highly Concentrated Solutions for Flame Atomic Absorption
CP 7. V. Kmetov, V.
Stefanova, P. Penchev, L. Futekov J. Tyson
PERKIN ELMER Seminar 22-23 March 1994 Sofia
Flow- Injection Sample Introduction in ICP-MS
CP 8. V. Kmetov, L.
Second National Conference of Chemistry - Plovdiv 12-14 April 1995 R VI/16 312
FAAS trace elements analysis of pure substances by discrete introduction of hot
highly concentrated solutions.
CP 9. V. Kmetov, V.
Stefanova, L. Futekov
V SIAS'95 20-22 September , 1995 , AES-P6;
Air segmented discrete introduction in ICP-MS
CP 10. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, L. Futekov, R. Fandukova
Third National Conference of Chemistry - Plovdiv 14-16 April 1998 V/41, 254
ICP-MS method for direct analysis of trace elements in sea water by
air-segmented discrete introduction.
CP 11. V. Kmetov, V. Stefanova, P. Konstantinov, L .Futekov
Scientific Session "75 Years Analytical Chemistry at the University of Sofia“
27 May 1999 Sofia;
Indirect method for determination of AgI in pyrotechnical materials by FAAS
analysis of Ag in high concentrated solutions
CP 12. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, D. Georgieva, L. Futekov
Scientific Session "75 Years Analytical Chemistry at the University of Sofia“
27 May 1999 Sofia;
Algorithm for internal standard application for transient signals from ICP-MS
CP 13. V. Kmetov,
A. Canals, V. Stefanova, L. Futekov
Scientific Session at the University of Plovdiv, 19 May 2000 Plovdiv; (oral
Some observations on the process of aerosol generation and transport used for
trace elements analysis by atomic spectroscopy methods.
CP 14. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, L. Futekov, A. Antonov, Hr. Hristov, M. Mitrikov.
Scientific Session at the University of Plovdiv, 19 May 2000 Plovdiv; (oral
Determination of 235U/238U isotope ratio and trace elements analysis in water,
soils and vegetables by ICP-MS. Application for ascertainment of the trance
border contamination after Kosovo war.
15. Hr. Malakova, V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov,
Scientific Session at the University of Plovdiv, 19 May 2000 Plovdiv; (oral
Multi-element analysis of plants samples by ICP-MS."
CP 16. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, D. Georgieva, L. Futekov
Anniversary Scientific Session 40 Years Chemistry in the University of Plovdiv
21-22- May, 2001, P10
Multi element responses of FI-ICP-MS: Influence of ionisation efficiency and
mass discrimination effects.
CP 17. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, D. Georgieva,
Anniversary Scientific Session 40 Years Chemistry in the University of Plovdiv
21-22- May, 2001, P11
Application of ICP-MS for trace elements analyses in Bulgarian cosmetics.
CP 18. V. Kmetov,
D. Hristozov, V. Stefanova, St. Tenev, L. Futekov
Anniversary Scientific Session 40 Years Chemistry in the University of Plovdiv
21-22- May, 2001, P12
Computer automated system for micro-sampling in FAAS, software for signal acquisition and treatment.
19. N. Bossev, V.
Kmetov, V. Stefanova
Anniversary Scientific Session 40 Years Chemistry in the University of Plovdiv,
21-22- May, 2001 P17
Extraction FAAS determination of Cu and Bi in zinc electrolyte by means of 3-ethtyl ammonium-dibenzil-tetrathiophosphate (EABTP)
CP 20. V. Kmetov,
V. Stefanova, D. Georgieva, L. Futekov
Forth National Conference of Chemistry - Sofia 27-29 September 2001, 4P9
Analysis of jewellery gold alloys by micro-sampling of complex solutions into
21. V. Stefanova, Chr.
Malakova, J. Uzunova, V. Kmetov
Union of Bulgarian Scientists Scientific - Scientific Session agrarian and
natural science and technology 30 November 2001, P10
Influence of solutions of low aliphatic alcohols on the element emission signals
CP 22. V. Kmetov,
A. Sanchez, A. Canals, D. Georgieva, V. Stefanova
Scientific Session of the University of Plovdiv, 6-7 June 2002 Koprivkite; P3
Determination of lead and cadmium in wool and goat's hair from animal population
in the vicinity of Plant for non-ferrous metals (Plovdiv) by ETAAS and ICP-MS
CP 23. V. Kmetov,
A. Sanchez, A. Canals, D. Georgieva, V. Stefanova
5th European Furnance Symposium and 10th International Solid Sampling
Colloquium with Atomic Spectrometry, 1-4 September 2002, South-West University
"Neofit Rilski",Blagoevgrad, P28, 90
Determination of lead and cadmium in wool and goat's hair from animal population
in the vicinity of Plant for non-ferrous metals (Plovdiv) by ETAAS and ICP-MS
CP 24. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov
2003 European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Germany
Garmisch-Partenkirchen 12-17 January 03, P-IN-039 Algorithm for application of
internal standard on ICP-MS transient signals
CP 25. Kmetov, V.;
Sánchez, A.; Canals, A.; Georgieva, D.; Stefanova, V.
II Congreso Argentino de Química Analítica, 2003 Córdoba (ARGENTINA) 28/10/2003
- 31/10/2003 P
Determinación de plomo y cadmio en lana y pelo de la población animal de las
proximidades de una planta de producción de metales no ferrosos mediante ICP-MS
26. Stefanova, V.;
Kmetov, V.; Domini, C.; Almagro, B.; Sánchez, A.; Canals, A.
III Congreso Ibérico de Espectroscopía Las Palma de Gran Canaria 04/07/2004 -
09/07/2004 PÓSTER
ICP-MS determination of metal content in
toothpaste samples after appropriate internal standard selection
CP 27. Domini, C.;
Vidal, L.; Kovachev, N.; Stefanova, V.; Georgieva, D.; Kmetov, V.; Canals, A.
First workshop of COST D32 Action, Alicante 08/07/2004 - 09/07/2004Poster
Ultrasound and microwave activation in Analytical Chemistry at the University of
CP 28. V.
Stefanova, V. Kmetov, A. Canals
5th Bulgarian National Conference of Chemistry - 29/09/2004 -
01/10/2004, 4D1 113
A method for
investigation of non-spectral matrix influence over the analytical signals in
CP 29. Kmetov, V.;
Stefanova, V.; Georgieva, D.; Simitchiev, K.; Todorova, K.; Sánchez, A.; Canals,
A.; Penkov, D.; Rigel, M.; Schainbach, I.
5th Bulgarian National Conference of Chemistry - 29/09/2004 -
01/10/2004, 4P2 121
Determination of Pb
and Cd in home-made food by atomic spectroscopy methods: FAAS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS
CP 30. K.
Simitchiev, V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, A. Canals, A. Sanchez
Union of Bulgarian Scientists Annual Scientific Session Technique and
Technology, Natural and Human Sciences - 22 October 2004 Plovdiv
Investigation and
correction of spectral interferences in ICP-MS determination of Pt, Pd and Rh in
road dust
CP 31. K.
Simitchiev, V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, A. Canals,
Union of Bulgarian Scientists -
Scientific Session
agrarian and natural science and technology 8 November 2005,
Cloud Point Extraction as an alternative to liquid-liquid extraction for
separation and preconcentration of Rh, Pd and Pt by ICP-MS analysis
CP 32. V. Kmetov,
V. Stefanova, D. Georegieva, K. Simitchiev, A. Sanchez, A. Canals,
Annual Scientific Session at the University of Plovdiv, 27 June 2005 Studenets
Validation of the method
for determination of As in mineral water
CP 33. V. Kmetov,
K. Simitchiev
AcadeMiC Summer School 6-9 July 2005, Rogoska Slatina,
Education in metrology in chemistry. Studing programs for bachelor degree at the
Faculty of chemistry in “ Paissii Hillendarski ” University of Plovdiv,
CP 34. K.
Simitchiev, V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, A. Canals,
Workshop of COST D32 Action, Hambourg 2006
Microwave-Assisted Cloud Point
Extraction preconcentration of Rh, Pd and Pt for ICP-MS
CP 35. K.
Simitchiev, V. Stefanova, V. Kmetov, D. Georegieva, A. Sanchez, A. Canals,
Chemistry days at Trakia University – Odrin Turkey 23 May 2005 (Oral
Reduction of ICP-MS Spectral
interferences on the determination of Rh, Pd and Pt in road dust by preliminary
acid leacing
RP 1.
Bulgarian National Scientific Comity KN-86 1986-88
Development of Automated System for Analysis by Flame Atomic Absorption.
RP 2.
Government Committee of Industry and Technologies D-8 1988-91
Ultra pure substances - methods of analysis and determination of traces 10-5%
-10-7 %
RP 3. National
Science Found MSE X-203/92 1992-94
ICP-MS - development of method for electrothermal vaporisation sampling by
graphite furnace. Application for environmental control of toxic element’s
pollution in biological and environmental samples.
RP 4. National
Science Found - MEST X-467/94 1994-97
Discrete sampling in ICP-MS for determination of trace elements in environmental
RP 5. Science
Found University of Plovdiv N 25 1997-99
Control of toxic elements in cosmetics
according to the European quality standards by using a new sample introduction
technique in ICP-MS.
RP 6. Ministry of Environment and Waters NCOSUR 1999 - Investigation of the
level of contamination with heavy metals and uranium in of the environment
components of the Nort-West border with Yugoslavia caused by the military
actions of NATO in Kosovo
RP 7. Bulgarian Academy of Science Institute of Botany and Biomonitoring Contract NPD 481 2001 Determination of trace metals in moss used as bioindicators
RP 8. Science Found University of Plovdiv
N 21-F (1999-2000)
Gama-spectrometry analysis of variety of environmental species in Plovdiv
RP 9. Science Found University of Plovdiv N 21-F
Study of the heavy metals and radio-nucleotides content in variety of samples
(soils, water and biological objects) from the vicinity of the Non-ferrous metal
plant Plovdiv and the MARITZA-IZTOK power plant.
RP 10. INCO-COPERNICUS CT 98-0334 Lead and Cadmium determination in fresh food.( In the frame of activities of INCO-COPERNICUS PL JUSTUS-LIEBIG-UNIVERSITY GIESSEN "Health risk of heavy metals in the food chain of industrial areas in Central and Eastern Europe"
RP 11. Ministerio De Ciencia y Tecnologia - Espania Main researcher: Antonio Canals Hernandez DPI2002-04305-C02-01 - Desarollo de un sistema de introduccion de muestras liquidas adecuado para un instrumento de ICP-MS provisto de una celula de colision. Duration: Three years
RP 12. Science Found University of Plovdiv PU X-26 (2003-2004)
Adopting and development of an uncertainty estimation procedure in analytical atomic spectrochemistry in a compliance to the new European meteorological requirements
RP 13. Science Found University of Plovdiv PU X-71 (2005-2006)
Application of microwave sample preparation in chemical analysis
RP 14. COST D32 WG005/04 Microwaves and ultrasound activation in chemical analysis (2004-2008)
APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS - founded by State and Private firms - 85 contracts
Ministry of Environment and Waters; Medical Academy; Non-ferrous metal plant Plovdiv; Maritza-iztok Power Plant; BulgarTabac ITTP; BAS Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology; Irrigating systems EAD; Ideal Standard - Bulgaria; ET Control ; Biovet AD; INRNE - BAS; Ekoflora -Ltd; BAS Institute of Botany; ÅÒ Christo Slavov; Agriculture University Plovdiv; Region Veterinary Inspection;, Kurdzhali Lead/Zinc Refinery; Askon AD; Biomeda Ltd; Alen Mak Perfumery&Cosmetics Ltd; Interdeo Ltd; Solveks KP; Kala Cosmetic; Medina; Ipec Mehmed; Terem - EAD; ET Dimitar Gindzuv-Desi; Interpacific OOD;Eged-97 Ltd; Romautoplast Inc.-Bulgaria; Business Consult Gmb; Galen-Pharma OOD
TP 1. TEMPUS Join European Project –12451-97 (1997– 2000)
TP 2. TtainMiC Training Metrology in Chemistry ( 2000 - )
TP 3. AcadeMiC Training Metrology in Chemistry ( 2005 - )
L 1. S.I.S.S. Conference on Spectroscopy held in Gargnano, Italy from 26 to 26 May 1993
Formation and Stability of Molecular Species in Electrothermal Atomizers.
L 2. Stazione Sperimentale per i Combustibili - 29 June 1993
Analysis by ICP-MS .
L 3. Second National Conference of Chemistry - Plovdiv 12-14 April 1995 R VI/7 303
Formation and Stability of Si , Ge and S Molecular Species in Electrothermal Atomizers.
L 4. University of
Alicante 10 May 1996 “Research and Teaching in Analytical Chemistry at the
University of
L 5. University of
Alicante 14 June 1996 - “Electrothermal vaporisation in graphite furnace and
relation to Atomic Spectroscopy”
L 6.
of Alicante 2 July 1996 - “ Some observation in Atomic Spectroscopy on
sample nebulization: air segmented introduction; high salt content solutions and
hot solutions”.
L 7. Institute fur Analytische Chemie, Technische Universitad Wien, SS 1998 Modern Analytische Chemie
Liquid sample
discrete introduction in aatomic spectroscopy
L 8. Joseph Fourier University Grenoble 2 November 1998 - "Rresearch and applied results obtained by the group of Atomic Spectroscopy at the Plovdiv University"
L 9. University of Alicante. 7 February 2000 "Possibilities for exchange of the chemistry academic staff between the University of Alicante and Bulgarian Universities"
L 10. ANALYTICA 2003, 14-15 May 03 Sofia,
Fifth generation Agilent ICP-MS 7500 – end of the road from exotic to routine
Examples for applications of Agilent ICP-MS 7500 in practice for analysis of water, soil, food, organics and biological materials.
L 11. SOCRETES-ERASMUS program for academic exchange. University of Alicante. A lecturer – intensive course
“European Union requirements for the competence of analytical laboratories”
L 12. TrainMic - “Single laboratory validation” TrainMiC Gathering of the clan Meeting 16-21 June 2006 Geel, Belgium
Master degree diploma students:
1. Vera
Stoilova Spasova 1990
Injections of high solids content solutions in FAAS
2. Svetla
Stefanova 1991
Determination of of Cu, Fe, Pb, Co and Ni traces in pure Boric acid by discrete
sample introduction FAAS
"Influence of low saturated alcohols on the analytical signals in ICP-OES"
3. Katerina
Uzunova 1992
"Optimisation of SQ-ICP-MS for multielement analyses"
4. Deyana
Georgieva 1996
"FI-ICP-MS method for direct determination of trace elements in hard drinks"
5. Alexander
Rangelov 1996
"Optimisation of ASDI sample introduction system for ICP-MS"
6. Rositza
Fandukova 1997
“Discrete sample introduction ICP-MS method for direct analysis of trace
elements in sea water”
7. Penka
Shegunova 1997
“ETAAS method for determination of trace amounts of Cu, Pb and Cd milk”
8. Dimiter
Hristozov 2002 Earasmus student - Plovdiv -Alicante
"Comparison of MW digestion and US extraction of heavy metals in sewage sludge.
Experimental design optimisation"
9. Alfredo Sanchez Agullo -Erasmus student form the University of Alicante, Spain, research work for obtaining a Master degree in Chemistry.
9. Katerina Todorova 2004
"ICP-MS method for
determination of Pb and Cd in children's food diet"
Bachelor degree diploma students
1. Katerina
Todorova 2003
"Optimisation of MW assisted sample preparation of moss samples for subsequent
atomic spectrometry determination of heavy metals"
2. Dafinka
Yurchieva 2003 Erasmus student -Plovdiv -Alicante
"Full experimental design optimisation of MW and US systems for determination of
chemical oxygen demand (COD)