of Evgeniya Neshova Ivanova, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor in Genetics

Name: Evgeniya Neshova Ivanova
Date of Birth:  March 3th, 1961
Place of Birth: Panagyurishte, BULGARIA
Contact Addresses: Office address:
Department of Developmental Biology
Faculty of Biology
University of Plovdiv
24, Tzar Assen Street
BG-4000 Plovdiv

Phone: +359-32-261549
Fax:     +359-32-261566 

e-mail: geneiv @

Home address:
4, Assen Hristoforov Str.
BG-4004 Plovdiv

Phone:  +359-32-673560
Mobile: +359-89-8749133
e-mail: e.ivanova @
Education: PhD (Biology) 1996 - Sofia, Bulgaria ("Variability of Apis mellifera L. - ontogenetic and population-genetic aspects").

MSc (Biology) 1983 - University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski", Bulgaria.

Secondary school, Year of Graduation - 1979.
Honours/Titles/Qualifications: Associate Professor in Genetics - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006.

PhD - Sofia, Bulgaria ("Variability of Apis mellifera L. - ontogenetic and population-genetic aspects"), 1996.

MSc. - University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski", Biology, 1983.
Professional experience: 
Associate Professor in Genetics (since 2006).

Lecturer of General genetics, Genetics and behaviour, Human genetics, Behaviour genetics (since 1996).

Assistant Professor and Head Assistant Professor in Genetics (1988-2006)

PhD-student, Department of Developmental Biology, Sector Genetics, University of Plovdiv (1992-1996).

Teacher in Biology at Secondory school (1983-1988).

Major fields of scientific research (Keywords):

Genetics, biochemical genetics, population genetics, ontogenetics, genetics of Apis mellifera L. and on other insects, ecological genetics.

Membership in Scientific and/or Professional Institutions, Bodies, and Organizations:
 - National Beebreeding Association (since 2007)
 - European group for bee selection and rearing (since 2006)
 - Member of Editorial Board of Uludag Bee Journal (since 2006)
 - European Association of Apidology "Eurbee" (since 2004)
 - Bulgarian Union of Scientists (since 1992)

Mother tongue - Bulgarian.
English – Reading, Writing and Verbal skills: good
Russian – Reading, Writing and Verbal skills: good

International experience:
- International COST Action FA 0803 (2008-2012) 

- Specialization at Middle Eeast Technical University – Ankara, Turkey, 2007. (Some DNA studies on Apis mellifera L from Bulgaria.)

- Specialization at Middle Eeast Technical University (METU) – Ankara, Turkey, 2003, TUBITAK. (“Genetic variation of Phosphoglucomutase ( in honeybee (Apis mellifera L) populations of Turkey and Bulgaria”)

- Specialization at J.V. Goethe University, Frankfurt on Main, Germany (Institute of Bee researches and Institute of Chemistry) 2001, DAAD. (“Fatty acids and lipids in three reproductive glands of the honeybee drone (Apis mellifera L.”)
Projects: 1. Thirteen completed projects (2 international, 3 national and 8 university) in the field of Apis mellifera and Bombyx mori genetics during the period 1996 – 2004.

2. Four running international, national and university projects:

- COST Action FA 0803 “Prevention of honeybee colony losses”  (Member of the Management Committee)

- IFS-B-606/2007 “Foundation of a Multifunctional Laboratory for Selection, Population and Ecological Genetics for the Needs of Apiculture, Sericulture and Fishery in Bulgaria” (coordinator of the project).

- VU-AN-2/2005 “Making of inventory and certifictes of some Bombyx mori L. breeds, kept in Bulgaria and local for the country Apis mellifera L. populations by genetic and breeding parameters” (deputy coordinator of the project);

- B-21 “Population genetic studies on Bombyx mori and Apis mellifera in Bulgaria” (leader of the project)

- Prof. Paraskeva Mihajlova - Institut of zoology, BAS, Bulgaria
- Prof. Aykut Kenche - METU - Ankara, Turkey
- Prof. Nikolaus Koeniger -University of Frankfurt on Main, Germany
Social skills and competences: - working with other people and in positions where communication is important - as an university teacher and as a scientist;

- living and working in multicultural environments - as a scientist during research work abroad;

- teamwork – as a leader and a member of different research and other boards

Organization skills and competences:
- coordinator and member of research project boards (17 completed and running research projects) and European group for bee selection and rearing;

- member of Government Commission for Animal Breeds

- member of the Management Board and Committee (National Beebreeding Association and COST Action FA 0803);

- supervisor of 26 M.Sc. Students in Genetics (during the period 1994 - 2007)
Scientific publications and books:
Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific publications in the field of biochemical and ecological genetics and three books in Genetics for students during the period 1991 - 2008.

To be informed about some selected publications and published presentations at International conferences during last 5 years, please, see: List of Selected Publications.
Artistic skills and competences: Poetry: "In a sky, became lighter from white clouds". Poetry book, 2001. 


List of Selected Publications (2003 – 2008)
(Articles and published presentations at conferences)

1. Ivanova E. 2003. Electroforetic investigations on the tissue and organ specificity of expression of water-soluble proteins of female imago forms of Apis mellifera L. Genetics and Breeding. 32, 3-4: 23-27.

2. Ivanova E. 2003. Genetic control of the organ specificity in expression of MDH during the Apis mellifera L. ontogenesis. Univ. Plovdiv “Paissi Hilendarski”, Microbiologia et Cytologia. 39, 8: 45-51(in Bulgarian, summary in English).

3. Dimitrova I. and Ivanova E. 2003. Effect of heavy metals-soil pollution on some morphological and cytogenetical  characteristuics of flax  (Linum usitatissum L.). Journal of Balkan Ecology. 6, 2: 212-218.

4. Ivanova E., Staikova T., Velcheva I. and Kostadinova P. 2003. Study on the mutagenic effect of waters, polluted with heavy metals and cyanides on Allium cepa plant system in vivo. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 4, 2: 280-283.

5.  Ivanova E., Staikova T., Velcheva I. and Kostadinova P. 2003. Somatostatic effect of heavy-metal contaminated waters in the region of the town of Panagjurishte, Bulgaria. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 4, 2: 284-287.

6. Ivanova E., Ivgin R., Kence M. and Kence A. 2004. Genetic variability in honeybee  populations from Bulgaria and Turkey. First European Conference of Apidology. Udine, Italy, 19-23 September, 2004: 45.

7. Ivanova E. 2004. Comparative electrophoretic investigation on the age and organ specificity of expression of soluble proteins of male imago forms of Apis mellifera L. Genetics and Breeding. 33, 1-2: 23-28.

8. Ivanova E. 2004. Dynamics in the expression of non-specific esterases (EST) and NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenases (MDH) in mucus, bulbus and cornual glands in drones of honeybees Apis mellifera L. Genetics and Breeding  33, 3-4: 55-62.

9. Staikova T., Ivanova E. and Velcheva I. 2005. Cytogenetic effect of heavy-metal and cyanide in contaminated waters from the region of southwest Bulgaria. Juornal of Cell and Molecular Biology. 4: 41-46.

10.  Ivanova E., Staikova T. and Velcheva I. 2005.  Cytogenetic testing of heavy metal- and cyanide contaminated river waters in a mining region of Southwest Bulgaria. Juornal of Cell and Molecular Biology. 4: 99-104. 

11. Stoikova T., Popov P., Grekov D., Ivanova P. and Ivanova E. 2005. Isoelectric focusing of the esterases from silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) haemolymph and some organs. International Workshop on Revival and Promotion of Sericultural industries and small Enterprise development in the Black, Caspian Seas and Central Asia Region, Tashkent, Usbekistan. 11-15 April 2005: 478-483.

12. Staykova, T., Popov P., Grekov D., Ivanova P. and Ivanova E. 2005. Isoelectric focusing of the esterases from silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) haemolymph and some organs. Proceedings of International Workshop on Revival and Promotion of Sericultural Industries and Small Enterprise Development in the Black, Caspian Seas and Central Asia Region, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Uzbek Sericulture Research Institute. 11 – 15 April: 478 – 483.

13. Ivanova E. and Staykova T. 2005. Age specificity of fat body protein expretions of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) during larval period. Agrarian University of Plovdiv. Scientific works. L, 3: 35 – 40.

14. Stoikova T., Grekov D. and Ivanova E. 2005.Ontogenetic study on fat body proteins of silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) during the larval development. Agrarian University of Plovdiv, Scientific works.  L, 3: 47 – 52.

15. Ivanova E., Staykova T., 2005.Genetic variability in different colonies from Apis mellifera L. populations. Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 19th till 21st of May 2005:584 – 593.

16. Staykova T., Popov P. and Ivanova E. 2005. Breed specific expression of gut silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) nonspecific esterases. Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 19th till 21st of May 2005: 576 – 583.

17. Ivanova E., Staykova T. and Petrov P. 2006. Some preliminary data about genetic variability in local Bulgarian honeybee Apis mellifere. Proceedings of International Apimondia Symposium “Selection and Queen Breeding”. Bulgaria, 1-3 September 2006: 17-18.

18. Ivanova E. and Staykova T., 2006. Age specificity in expression of fat body proteins in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) during ontogenesis. Proceedings of the Second European Conference of Apidology, Prague 10 – 14 September, 2006: 12 -13.

19. Staykova T. and Ivanova E. 2006. Ontogenetic studies of fat body proteins mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) from spinning stage to imago. Genetics and breeding, 35 (3-4): 51-57.

20. Ivanova E., Staykova T. and Bouga M. 2007. “Allozyme variability in honey bee populations from some mountainous regions in southwest of Bulgaria”. Journal of Apicultural Research. 46. I: 3-8.

21. Ivanova E., Ivgin R., Kence M. and Kence A. 2007. Determination of genetic Variation and Differentiation in Honey Bees of Turkey and Bulgaria. First Balkan Countries Beekeeping Congress and Exibition. 29 March – 1 April 2007 Istanbul, Turkey: 47-48.

22. Ivanova E., Staykova T. 2007. Stage specificity in the expression of proteins of honey bee fat body (Apis mellifera L.) in the course of ontogenesis. Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology, 6, 2, 129-135.

23. Tunka R., Staykova T., Ivanova E., Kence M., Grekov D. 2007. Differentiation of silkworm, Bombyx mori strains measured by RAPD analyses. Proceedings of the International conference  “Sericulture challenges in the 21st Century  & the 3rd BACSA meeting, 18-21 september 2007, Vratza, Bulgaria, pp. 247 – 251.

24. Ivanova E., Staikova T. and Velcheva I. 2008. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of heavy metal- and cyanide-contaminated waters in some regions for production and processing of ore in Bulgaria. (IV-th International Conference on Aquaculture and Water Ecosystems October 10-12, 2007). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 14, 2, 262-268.

25. Ivanova E., Petrov P., Ivgin R., Kence M., Bouga M., Emmanouel N. 2008. Genetic Variation of honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations from Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Apidology, Belfast 8 – 11 September, 2008: 55.

26. Ivgin R., Ivanova E., Kence M. 2008. Honeybees from Bulgaria analyzed morphometrically and compared with a neighbouring population from Turkey. Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Apidology, Belfast 8 – 11 September, 2008: 106.


1. Ivanova E., Staikova T., Irikova T., 2001. Human genetics (with elements of General Genetics). Plovdiv, pp. 206.
2. Ivanova E., Staikova T., Irikova T., 2002. Handbook of Genetics. Plovdiv, pp. 90.
3. Ivanova E. 2003. Genetics in questions and answers. Plovdiv, pp. 286. 

     November 26, 2008