of Angel G. Tsekov

Ph.D., Senior Research Associate


Angel Georgiev TSEKOV

Date of Birth: 

19 july 1947

Place of Birth:

Plovdiv, BULGARIA 



Marital Status:



- 1968 -1972 - Biology and  Chemistry , MSc (University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” , Plovdiv)

- 1986 – PhD (Institute for  freshwater fishery- Plovdiv)


BSc, MSc (Biology and Chemistry): Biological Faculty, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
PhD -
Institute for  freshwater fishery-Plovdiv


Russian, English

Employment History:

1991 - Senior Research Associate Second Degree, Institute for  freshwater fishery - PlovdivSince

1991 as a scientific worker in the Institute of freshwater fisheries I’ve been working on the issues of artificial breeding and raising of economic species of fish. Since 1997 I’ve been working on applications of technological parameters of artificial breeding and raising of sturgeon fish in Bulgaria. The results obtained so far prove successful application of the technology. The first specialized sturgeon farm in the country obtains caviar from captive offspring brought up from spawn to adult specimens for a third year. The production plan of the company provides for 5 tons of caviar for the current year. Adaptation of caught in the wild adult specimens of Beluga and Russian sturgeon has also been obtained. An adult specimen of Russian sturgeon, caught in the Danube in 2004 managed to spawn for a second time in 2006 and is still kept alive.

2007 - present day - Senior Research Associate Second Degree of Ecology and Conservation of Nature, Department of Ecology, Biological Faculty, University of Plovdiv.


Member of  the Scientific Council of the Institute of Fish Resources  - Varna  and  the  Institute of Fishery  and  Aquacultures – Plovdiv ; member of  W.S.C.S. ( World Sturgeon Conservation Society  e. V). 07.2005 Participation in the workgroup involved in the preparation of the Action plan for the conservation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin, 06.2006Participation in the expert working meeting of the countries along the lower current of the Danube for coordination and implementation of sturgeon stocking programs for the Lower Danube River and the North-West Black Sea Region.

Research interests:

artificial breeding and raising of economic and threatened with extinction species of fish,
ecology of fish, aquacultures

Contact address:

Angel Georgiev Tsekov
Department of Ecology and Environmental Conservation
Faculty of Biology
University of Plovdiv 
24, Tzar Assen Str. 
4000 Plovdiv 

Phone: /+359 32/ 261 540
GSM: /+359 888/ 725 930  
Fax: /+359 32/ 261 566 
a_tsekov @


       Author of over 50 scientific publications on the issues of artificial breeding and raising of economic and threatened with extinction species of fish. The last publications are on population researches of the sturgeon species:


1. Dobrovolov, I., A.Tsekov, P. Ivanova, M. Yankova, 2004. Identification of the eggs of Huso huso and Acipenser ruthenus (Acipenseridae, Pisces). - Vetenary sciences, V. XLI(3): 30-32.

2. Dobrovolov, I., P. Ivanova, A. Tsekov, 2005. Genetic-biochemical identification of some sturgeons and their hybrids (Pisces, Acipenseridae). - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29(2): 917-921.

3. Tsekov, A., P. Ivanova, I. Dobrovolov, 2006. The use of genetic markers for species identification of catfishes. National Center for Agrarian Science. - Bulgarian Journal of Agriculture, 297-300.

 4. Ivanova, P., A. Tsekov, I. Dobrovolov, S. Atanasova, 2006. Genetic – biochemical characteristic of the hemoglobin and thranspherins of the Black Sea turbot (Psetta maxima). National Center for Agrarian Science. - Bulgarian Journal of Agriculture, 284-289.

5. Bloesch, J., T. Jones, R. Reinaretz,  A. Tsekov, 2006. Action Plan for the conservation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin. Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention). Nature and environment, № 144. Concil of Europe Publishing.

6. Tsekov A., 2007. Natural water bodies restocked with farmed sturgeon in Bulgaria. - Eurofish, 3:51.

7. Tsekov, A., Petya P. Ivanova, I. Dobrovolov. 2008-in press. First data for the species identification of turbot (Psetta maxima, Pisces: Scophthalmidae) along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast based on genetics-biochemical analyses, in press

8. Tsekov, A., P. Ivanova, M. Angelov, S. Atanasova, J. Bloesch. 2008-in press. Natural sturgeon hybrids along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and in the Danube River, in press

State of Nature

Last updated:  12-03-2008