Research & Teaching Projects
project X-124/91 Expert system for interpretation of vibrational spectra,
financed by the National Science Fund, Bulgaria, for the period 1992-1994.
Research project
X-447/94 Application of artificial neural networks for identification of organic
compounds, financed by the National Science Fund, Bulgaria, for the
period 1995-1997.
Research project
Az: 436 BUL Pleochroism in Raman and IR spectra of molecules in liquid-crystal
and polymer matrices, financed by Deutsche Forshungs Gemeinschaft, Germany,
for the period 1996-1998.
Project JEP 12451-97 Developing of Bachelor Degree
in Chemistry, financed by the European Union program TEMPUS, for
the period 1998-2000.
Research project
Resolution enhancement of overlapping bands in infrared spectroscopy, financed
by the Research Fund of Plovdiv University, Bulgaria, for the period 1998-2000.
Research project
Application of maximum common substructure concept for interpretation
of infrared spectra, financed by the Research Fund of Plovdiv
University, Bulgaria, for the period 2000-2002.
Research project
Balkan-Swiss Network for Teaching and Research on Functional Properties of
Organic Molecules Used in Advanced Technologies, financed by SCOPES 2000
2003: Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland, Switzerland
for the period 2002-2004.
project Application of the similarity search methods for predicting chemical
and biological properties of chemical compounds, financed by the Research
Fund of Plovdiv University, Bulgaria, for the period 2003-2005.
център по изчислителна химия за съвременни
теоретични изследвания на химични и биохимични
системи - проект финансиран от НФНИ по
програмата Стимулиране на научните
изследвания във висшите училища 2005-2007 г.
Project "BioSupport".